1142 Budapest, Rákospatak utca 101.
Telephone: 00 36 1 273 22 20
Fax: 00 36 1 38 37 948
We have been working for 85 years now with very good results on the basis of medical and hearing impaired (hard of hearing) scientific pedagogical background.
We admit hearing impaired children to our institution from all over the country.
Our work is special and complex, including different areas of pedagogy.
It is situated in our capital city in a green-belt area.
We help our students to try to reach the level of speaking ability of the healty children through ceasing the inhibitions of communication so that they can later be integrated in secondary schools, where they will be in minority and than in society.
With our special programme we develop the hearing and speaking abilities of the small children. Aged 3-7 and help them create a many-sided, harmony personality.
We prevent , correct and possibly eliminate complications in connection with their hearing.
In certain cases we create the possibility of their immediate integration into "normal" primary schools.
We offer with our surdopedagogues a complex mother tongue development.
We teach the material and system of taskes of "normal" schools to our students assuring by that the possibility of their future integration.
We teach them in small groups with a so called comprehensive model, taking into consideration their individual abilities.
We give an early care to hard of hearing children aged 0-3 and their parents.
Our 'travelling teachers' care for 3-6 years old hearing-impaired children learning at 'normal' primary schools and nurseries and help their teachers and parents through giving them advice.
We offer special help to hearing-impaired students studying at secondary schools.
We offer various programmes to the children at the nursery and primary school living in either in the capital city or in the country so that they can feel it their second home, and feel safe. We also provide them with an education of proper emotional background, the possibility of afternoon learning, and that of cultural-life and doing sports.
Professional, it is possible to learn:
-carpet weaving
-office assistant
-bicyle repairman
We have dormitory for the students.
Full medical and audiological treatment.
Specific psychological and pedagogical examinations.
Special logopedical examinations, advising and therapies on the basis of individual development plants.
The therapy for and eliminating of learning difficulties and other problems such as (disphasy, dislexy, disgraphy, discalculia etc.
The hearing-and speaking rehabilitation of the children having undergone through a coclear implantation hearingcorrecting operation.
Mentalhygenic treatment.
Healthgimnastic Swimming teaching with the aim of rehabilitation and prevention.
Special advissing and courses for the parents.
Our homepage on Facebook:
Adress: 1142 Budapest Rákospatak u. 101.
Tel:+36 (1)273-2220
Fax:+36 (1) 3837948
Number of our bank account:
Number of Tax: 19637248-1-42
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